With the Worthful.net Website Control Panel, you’ll get access to our feature–rich File Manager. It’ll assist you to speedily take care of all of your web pages with no need to resort to an FTP client. You could add files over a protected connection by pulling them into the web browser. Also, you can speedily archive and unarchive files and directories, set up password–protected locations, change data file permissions and so much more. Check out the capabilities integrated into our File Manager.

Drag ’n’ drop file uploads

The most straightforward method to upload data files

Publishing files with an FTP client is an out–of–date and really insecure method for shifting data files from your personal computer to a hosting server. That’s why, we have integrated drag & drop data file publish support in the File Manager. Just pull the files that you want to add from your PC into your web browser and they will start to publish in your website hosting account over a safe SSL connection.

You do not have to set up any extra computer software, browser add–ons or programs. The drag & drop feature works just as well on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Hepsia File Manager

Right–click context menus

Look at the whole set of easily accessible file administration options with simply a mouse–click

Due to the right–click menus we have included on the File Manager, you’ll be able to alter your files easier than ever. Click on a file or directory and through the panel that will pop up, pick the actions that you like. You can rename, copy, move, download, edit, preview, archive, unarchive and delete any picked file. When you click on a folder, additionally, you’ll view the solution to establish a completely new sub–folder or file inside.

If you select numerous files or folders, you will be able to use the same measures for all of them at the same time.

Hepsia File Manager

Archive/Unarchive files

Archive or extract archive files in seconds

As opposed to most file management user interfaces and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) clients, the Worthful.net Website Control Panel offers a way to archive/unarchive files considerably faster. It is easy–to–navigate. To have a folder shrunk to a small size, just select it and click on the Compress button. To open up the belongings of an archived directory within your cloud hosting account, pick it and then click the Extract button. The File Manager uses several different file extensions, which include .ZIP, .RAR and .TAR.GZ.

Hepsia File Manager

Online file editors

Revise files directly from your Website Control Panel

With the File Manager it is possible to revise your files directly online working with any of the included software instruments. The text editor displays the files in a plain text formatting, the code editor has syntax emphasizing for one’s .PHP or .JS files, and the WYSIWYG editor enables you to view your edits when they appear live. Also, all changes which you come up with and keep will be displayed instantaneously on the world wide web, allowing you to review them in your browser and go back to create further changes, if not satisfied.

There’s no need to download any files, to change them with your machine and then to re–upload them back to your account. All the editors are accessible via the buttons near the top of the file table or at the right–click contextual menus.

Hepsia File Manager

A logical folder structure

All your files sorted in an uncomplicated method

When you are in charge of a large number of sites concurrently, it is crucial that you have every little thing sorted. With many other File Managers, updating a range of web sites inside the exact same web hosting account could be very difficult. Using our File Manager, you will find that it is actually pretty simple. Every site features its own directory, which you can quickly acknowledge, including all of the files pertaining to the specified web site are situated there.

And then to make things even easier, you will find a drop–down menu from where you can quickly select on which host you wish to work inside the File Manager. Our smart system will take you there within seconds.

Hepsia File Manager

A user–friendly interface

Be in charge of your data with just a click

The Worthful.net File Manager is developed in such a way as to make you feel like making use of the file explorer on your PC. It functions a solution to drag your files and then to drop them with a desired location and displays all the readily available modification options upon clicking the right mouse button. Also, the tool carries a built–in file preview solution as well as other file editors so that you can change your files live directly from your Website Control Panel.

Also, we have enclosed a collection of file management posts and how–to training videos so that you can fairly quickly learn how to make use of the tool.

Hepsia File Manager

Work with multiple files

Modify multiple files at the same time

It is easy to make use of a lot of files concurrently using the multi–selection capability of the Worthful.net File Manager. All you have to do is just hold down the Control key and then click on the files or directories you want to select. In order to pick a number of files/folders in a row immediately, click on the first file/folder, click the Shift key after which choose the last file or folder inside the set.

When you have picked the wanted files/folders, you can either drag them to a specific spot, or use different activities to them when using the right–click contextual menu or the buttons at the top of the file table.

Hepsia File Manager

Quick & simple password protection options

The simplest way to protect your details

There is a single popular path to shield a directory with a password – by creating an .htaccess file. If, however, you’re not technically experienced sufficiently, you will have difficulties doing the work all by yourself. To help make things straightforward, we’ve integrated a simple to use password protection user interface to the File Manager obtainable inside the Website Control Panel.

To employ this option, simply right–click on a directory and choose Password Protection. After that add the login name and the pass word that you want to work with and press the button. That’s it. Now the chosen directory will be hidden by the public eye and will also be accessible to authorized visitors.

Hepsia File Manager